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Encrypting Folders

Encrypting Folders

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Encrypting Folders

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Encrypting Folders (all files in a folder), using the "Encrypt Folder" button


Folders (all files in a folder) can be easily encrypted by clicking the "Encrypt Folders", which button will present a screen that is requesting you to browse and select a folder that is to all its file folder contents to be encrypted.


Browse through the drives and associated folders by clicking on the image path tree displayed and then either ‘double-click’ the chosen folder or highlight your selection and click ‘Open’


A "Pass Phrase" is now required (unless you have chosen to always use the default pass phrase that you have set-up previously or to use a key file that is present).


Enter the phrase you wish to be the ‘secret key’ for the encryption or click "Use Default" to use the previously set-up default Pass Phrase. This pass phrase must be known before the files within the chosen folder can be decrypted successfully, so please take care that it can be remembered.



Once the Pass Phrase is entered the folder (all files within) encryption will take place and progress update messages will be displayed in the main console text window.


Automatic use of a "Default Pass Phrase" for all file encryption events can be set within "Menu>Options>Crypto Options" or the use of a key file (or both!)


The 'OS KeyBoard' button will open an On Screen Key Board. This facility replicates a manual keyboard, but instead of manually pressing keys on a keyboard, it lets you click characters using the mouse. The OS KeyBoard is an extra facility that prevents any key logging software on your system capture the Pass Phrases that you type to encrypt or decrypt files or text.


The 'Open Safe' button will open the Password Safe to allow you to generate and hold a long random pass phrase in the Password Safe. This enables you to hold many long secure pass phrases for different files, systems or people and keep them all locked away, encrypted with one master pass phrase.


The CryptoExplorer can also be used to encrypt and decrypt folders (and sub-folders!).


The Windows Explorer can be used to encrypt and decrypt folders. .