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Copy, Paste or Clear Text in Main Console Window

Copy, Paste or Clear Text in Main Console Window

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Copy, Paste or Clear Text in Main Console Window

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Copy (“Copy” button)

The “Copy” button copies any text present in the Text Window to the Windows “Clipboard” feature. Typically, this would be used to easily copy encrypted text to a web based email solution prior to despatch or for general editing purposes when composing text messages.


Paste (“Paste” button)

The “Paste” button presents any text currently held in the Windows “Clipboard” feature to the main console text window.


Typically, this would be used to easily copy encrypted text from an email into QuickCrypto prior to decryption of the message. This is not normally required where an email package is installed as double-clicking the encrypted email text  file automatically loads and copies the text into QuickCrypto - but may need to be used where web-based email is used to receive encrypted messages. Note - encrypted text pasted in this way will automatically start the decryption process, i.e. you do not have to press the decrypt button afterwards.


It can also be used to paste in any kind of text copied from other applications prior to encryption or for general editing purposes when composing text messages.


Clear (“Clear” button)

The “Clear” button blanks out and removes any text present in the Text Window.